谭鹏 教授 2010年复旦大学博士 电话:+86-18317030536 E-mail:tanpeng@fudan.edu.cn 个人网站/Website:链接/Link 主要经历:(Experiences) 2010复旦大学物理系博士 2010-1014 香港中文大学博士后 2014-2020 复旦大学物理系青年研究员 2021-至今 复旦大学物理系教授 教学与研究领域: Peng Tan Professor Ph.D.(2010), Fudan University. Research Interests: Statistical mechanics and Soft condensed matter physics, especially on thermodynamics and dynamics in phase transitions and self-assembly 1) Dynamics of phase transitions and glass/jamming transitions 2) Superstructure self-assembly Selected Publications: 2)Chen, Yanshuang; Yao, Zhenwei; Tang, Shixiang; Tong, Hua; Yanagishima,Taiki; Tanaka, Hajime*; Tan, Peng*; Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere, Nature Physics, 2021, 17(1): 121-127. 3)Li, Minhuan; Chen, Yanshuang; Tanaka, Hajime*; Tan, Peng*; Revealing roles of competing local structural orderings in crystallization of polymorphic systems, Science Advances, 2020, 6(27): eaaw8938. 4)Shen, Hongchuan; Tong, Hua; Tan, Peng*; Xu, Lei*; A universal state and its relaxation mechanisms of long-range interacting polygons , Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-8. 5)H.C.Shen, P. Tan* and L. Xu*, “Probing the role of mobility in the collective motion of nonequilibrium systems.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 048302 (2016). (Editor’s suggestion.) 6)Y Liu, P Tan*, L Xu*, “Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in an ultrathin air film causes drop splashing on smooth surfaces.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3280-3284 (2015). 7)P.Tan, N. Xu and L. Xu, “Visualizing kinetic pathways of homogeneous nucleation in colloidal crystallization.” Nature Physics 10, 73-79 (2014).This paper is highlighted in “News and Views” in Nature Physics, 10,12-23 (2014).
1)Gao, Qiong; Ai, Jingdong; Tang, Shixiang; Li, Minhuan; Chen,Yanshuang; Huang, Jiping; Tong, Hua; Xu, Lei; Xu, Limei*; Tanaka, Hajime*; Tan, Peng*; Fast crystal growth at ultra low temperatures, Nature Materials, 2021,10.1038/s41563-021-00993-6.