黄旭光 教授 清华大学博士 电话:+86-21-31243341 主要经历: 2008清华大学博士 2008-2013德国Frankfurt大学和美国Indiana大学博士后 2013-2018.11复旦大学物理学系青年研究员 2018.12-至今复旦大学物理学系教授 教学与研究领域: Xu-Guang Huang Professor Ph.D.(2008), Tsinghua University, China. Research Interests: Selected Publications: 2) M. Stein, X. G. Huang, A. Sedrakian, and J. W. Clark, Phase diagram of dilute nuclear matter: Unconventional pairing and the BCS-BEC crossover, Phys. Rev. C86, 062801(Rapid Comm.) (2012). 3) W. T. Deng and X. G. Huang, Event-by-event generation of electromagnetic fields in heavy-ion collisions, Phy. Rev. C85, 044907 (2012). 4) X. G. Huang, P. Huovinen, and X. N. Wang, Quark Polarization in a Viscous Quark-Gluon Plasma, Phys. Rev. C84, 054910 (2011). 5) X. G. Huang, BCS-BEC crossover in symmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature: Pairing fluctuation and pseudogap, Phys. Rev. C81, 034007 (2010). 6) X. G. Huang, M. Huang, D. Rischke, and A. Sedrakian, Anisotropic hydrodynamics, bulk viscosities, and r-modes of strange quark stars with strong magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. D81, 045015 (2010).
Theoretical high-energy and nuclear physics. We study the quantum field theory at finite temperature and density and the “condensed matter physics of quark-gluon matter and nuclear matter”. Such systems include the hot quark-gluon matter created in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions, dense neutron star matter, etc. We also study the phase transitions in quark-gluon matter and in nuclear matter, and the phase structure of the quantum chromodynamics.
1)X. G. Huang and J. Liao, Axial Current Generation from Electric Field: Chiral Electric Separation Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 232302 (2013).