张 童
发布时间: 2013-09-05     文章作者:     访问次数: 36544















2012-2015 复旦大学物理系副研究员




研究领域:实验凝聚态物理。主要利用极低温扫描隧道显微镜(STM)研究新奇量子材料的电子结构,研究对象涵盖非常规超导体,拓扑超导体,拓扑量子材料、单自旋探测以及外场调控异质界面等。目前已在包括Nat. Phys, Phys. Rev. Lett, Phys. Rev. X, Nat. Communi., Sci. Adv., Phys. Rev. B等期刊上发表论文40余篇,它引3500余次。


Tong Zhang



Ph.D.(2010), Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. China

Research Interests:
Experimental condensed matter physics. We study complex quantum materials, including correlated systems(e.g. Fe-based superconductor), topological superconductors, topological quantum materials, charge/spin/orbital ordered systems with low-T scanning tunneling microscopy(STM).

Selected Publications:

1.C. Chen ..., T. Zhang*, D. L. Feng*, Quantized conductance of Majorana zero mode in the vortex of the topological superconductor (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe. Chin. Phys. Lett. 36, 057403 (2019) (Express letter)

2.X. Liu ..., T. Zhang*, D. L. Feng*, Evidence of nematic order and nodal superconducting gap along [110] direction in RbFe2As2, Nature Communications, 10, 1039 (2019)

3.Q. Liu, C. Chen, T. Zhang*, et al., Robust and clean Majorana zero mode in the vortex core of high-temperature superconductor (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe, Phys. Rev. X 8, 041056 (2018)

4.M. Q. Ren, …, T. Zhang*, D. L. Feng*, Superconductivity across Lifshitz transition and anomalous insulating state in surface K-dosed (Li0.8Fe0.2OH)FeSe, Science Advances, 3, e1603238 (2017).

5.W. H. Zhang, …, T. Zhang*, D. L. Feng, Effects of surface electron doping and substrate on the superconductivity of epitaxial FeSe films, Nano Letters, 16, 1969 (2016)

6.Q. Fan, …, T. Zhang*, D. L Feng*, Plain s-wave superconductivity in single-layer FeSe on SrTiO3 probed by scanning tunneling microscopy, Nature Physics, 11, 946 (2015).

7.T. Zhang, et al., Electric-Field Tuning of the Surface Band Structure of Topological Insulator Sb2Te3 Thin Films, Physical Review Letter 111, 056803 (2013)

8.T. Zhang, et al., Scanning tunneling microscopy of gate tunable topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films, Physical Review B 87, 115410 (2013)

9.T. Zhang, et al., Superconductivity in one-atomic-layer metal films grown on Si(111), Nature Physics. 6, 104 (2010)

10.T. Zhang, et al., Experimental demonstration of the topological surface states protected by the time-reversal symmetry, Physical Review Letter 103, 266803 (2009)

