郝柏林 教授 1959年苏联哈尔科夫大学 电话:+86-21-65652305 Email:hao@mail.itp.ac.cn 个人网站/Website:链接/Link 主要经历: 1978-2005参加创建中国科学院理论物理研究所并任研究员 2005-2011美国圣菲研究所外聘教授2003年建立复旦大学理论生命科学研究中心 2005年以来任复旦大学教授 1980年当选中国科学院数理学部委员(院士),1995年当选为第三世界科学院院士。 教学与研究领域: 曾获国家自然科学奖二等奖2次,国家科技进步奖二等奖1次,国家图书奖二等奖1次,何良何利科技进步奖物理学奖,1988-1998年度ISI经典引文奖 Bailin Hao Professor Kharkov State University, Kharkov, Ukraine Research Interests: 2.Statistics, combinatorics, langauge theory and graph theory inspired by the study of K-tuples in symbolic sequences of biological origin. Selected Publications: 2.Yu Lu, Hao Bailin and Chen Xiaosong, Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Science Press, Beijing, 2005, (in Chinese). 3.Hao Bailin and Zheng Weimou, Applied Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos, a monograph, WSPC, Singapore, 1998. 4.Ji Qi, Bin Wang and Bailin Hao, Whole genome prokaryote phylogeny without sequence alignment: a K-string composition approach, J. Mol. Evol. 2004, 58: 1-11. 5.Bailin Hao, Huimin Xie, Factorizable language: from dynamics to biology, Chapter 5 in Reviews of Nonlinear Science and Complexity, vol. 1, ed. by H. G. Schuster, pp. 147 - 186, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008. 6.Zhao Xu, Bailin Hao, CVTree update: a newly designed phylogenetic study platform using composition vectors and whole genomes, Nucl. Acids Res. 2009, 32(Web Server Issue): W174-W178. 7.Qiang Li, Zhao Xu, Bailin Hao, Composition vector approach to whole-genome-based prokaryotic phylogeny, J. Biotechn. 2010, 140: 115–119. 8.Bailin Hao, CVTrees support the Bergey’s Systematics and ptovide high resolution at species level and below, The Bulletin of BISMiS, 2011, 2(Part 2): 189-196.
1.Prokaryote phylogeny and taxonomy based on their complete genomes, the Composition Vector (CVTree) approach.
1.Hao Bailin and Zhang Shuyu, Digital Civilization -- Physics and Computers, Science Press, Beijing, 2005, (in Chinese)