周鲁卫 教授 1986年美国Temple大学博士 电话:+86-13501817734 电子邮件:lwzhou@fudan.edu.cn 个人网站/Website:链接/Link 主要经历: 1977-1979复旦大学物理系研究生试点班学员 1979-1981复旦大学物理系理论物理教研组助教 1982-1986美国Temple大学硕士、博士 1986-1988美国洛杉矶加州大学固体科学中心、物理系博士后 1988-至今任复旦大学物理系教师 (1995-2000担任物理系系主任) (2002-2008担任上海市物理学会理事长) 教学与研究领域: 讲授本科生和研究生低温和物理、超导物理学、软物质物理课程。 编写教材: 周鲁卫, Introduction to the Soft Matter Physics, 复旦大学出版社,上海2011. Luwei Zhou Professor Ph.D. (1986) Temple University, U.S.A. Research Interests: Selected Publications: 2.Junying Huang, Luwei Zhou, Non-uniform Ensembles of Diverse Resonances in One-dimensional Layered Media, Optics Letter 36, 2477 (2011). 3.Chi Zhang, Xiaolong Zhu, Luwei Zhou, Morphology tunable pinning force and evaporation modes of water droplets on PDMS spherical cap micron-arrays, Chem. Phys. Lett. 508, 134 (2011). 4.Junying Huang, Luwei Zhou, Exceptional Enhancement of Localization Effect in a 1D Multilayer System with Destructive Weak Disorder Strength, Optics Letters 36, 1305 (2011). 5.Zu-Hui Wu, Yu Zhou, Ji-Yao Chen and Lu-Wei Zhou, Mitochondrial Signaling for Histamine Releases in Laser-Irradiated RBL-2H3 Mast Cells,Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 42, 503 (2010). 6.P. Tan, D.K. Liu, J.P. Huang, W.J. Tian, L.W. Zhou, Ionic ER fluid, Soft Matter 6, 4800 (2010). 7.W. Bao, X. F. Wu, J. G. Cao, Z. J. Yang, N. Ren, Y. Tang, Y. Gao, J. P. Huang and L. W. Zhou, Particle Shape Dependence of Polar Molecule Dominated Electrorheological Effect, J. Phys. – Cond. Mat. 22 324105, (2010).
1973-1977 复旦大学物理系
Soft matter physics
1.Cong Li, Junying Huang, Qiangguo Tang, Jiping Huang, Jianwei Zhang and Luwei Zhou, Internal microstructures in shearing giant electrorheological fluids, Soft Matter 8 , 5250 (2012).