发布时间: 2013-08-22     文章作者:     访问次数: 23094








电话:   +86-21-31249034

E-mail:   lifengyin@fudan.edu.cn







2010.5-2015.11 复旦大学物理学系副教授

2015.12 - 至今 复旦大学物理学系教授


教学:《大学物理》, 曾获“全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛”上海市特等奖,华东地区一等奖,全国三等奖



Lifeng Yin



Ph.D. (2007), Fudan University


Research Interests:
Spintronics, Nanomagnetism, Scanning probe microscopy, Surface and interface of complex oxides and their emergent phenomena under spatial confinement.


Selected   Publications:
1. T. Miao, L.N. Deng, W.T. Yang, J.Y. Ni, C.L. Zheng, J. Etheridge, S.S. Wang, H. Liu, H.X. Lin, Y. Yu, Q. Shi, P. Cai, Y.Y. Zhu, T.Y. Yang, X.M. Zhang, X.Y. Gao, C.Y. Xi, M.L. Tian, X.S. Wu, H.J. Xiang, E. Dagotto*, L.F. Yin*, and J. Shen*, Direct experimental evidence of physical origin of electronic phase separation in manganites, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 117, 7090 (2020).

2. F.L Lan, H.Y. Chen, H.X. Lin, Y. Bai, Y. Yu, T. Miao, Y.Y. Zhu, T.Z. Ward, Z. Gai, W.B. Wang, L.F. Yin*, E.W. Plummer*, and J. Shen*, Observing a previously hidden structural-phase transition onset through heteroepitaxial cap response, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 4141 (2019).

3. Q. Shi, F.X. Jiang, Y. Yu, H.X. Lin, Y.F. Kou, T. Miao, H. Liu, W.T. Yang, W.B. Wang, P. Cai, X.H. Xu, H.W. Guo*, L.F. Yin*, and J. Shen*, An Electric-Field-Controlled High-Speed Coexisting Multibit Memory and Boolean Logic Operations in Manganite Nanowire via Local Gating, Adv. Electron. Mater.10, 1002 (2019).

4. H.X. Lin, H. Liu, L.F. Lin, S. Dong, H.Y. Chen, Y. Bai, T. Miao, Y. Yu, W.C. Yu, J. Tang, Y.Y. Zhu, Y.F. Kou, J.B. Niu, Z.H. Cheng, J. Xiao, W.B. Wang, E. Dagotto*, L.F. Yin* and Jian Shen*, Unexpected Intermediate State Photoinduced in the Metal-Insulator Transition of Submicrometer Phase-Separated Manganites, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 267202 (2018).

5. J. Shao, H. Liu, K. Zhang, Y. Yu, W.C Yu, H.X. Lin, J.B. Niu, K. Du, Y.F. Kou, W.G. Wei, F.L. Lan, Y.Y. Zhu, W.B. Wang, J. Xiao, L.F. Yin*, E.W. Plummer*, and J. Shen*, Emerging single-phase state in small manganite nanodisks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. , 113, 9228 (2016).

6. Y.Y. Zhu, K. Du, J.B. Niu, L.F. Lin, W.G. Wei, H. Liu, H.X. Lin, K. Zhang, T.Y. Yang, Y.F. Kou, J. Shao, X.Y. Gao, X.S. Xu, X.S. Wu, S. Dong*, L.F. Yin*, and J. Shen*, Chemical ordering suppresses large-scale electronic phase separation in doped manganites, Nature Comm. 7, 11260 (2016).7. K. Zhang, K. Du, H. Liu, X.-G. Zhang, F. L. Lan, H. X. Lin, W. G. Wei, Y. Y Zhu, Y. F. Kou, J. Shao, J. B. Niu, W. B. Wang, R. Q. Wu, L.F. Yin*, E. W. Plummer*, and J. Shen*, Manipulating electronic phase separation in strongly correlated oxides with an ordered array of antidots, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112, 9558 (2015).

8. K. Du, K. Zhang, S. Dong, W.G. Wei, J. Shao, J.B. Niu, J.J. Chen, Y.Y. Zhu, H.X. Lin, X.L. Yin, S.H. Liou, L.F. Yin* and J. Shen*, Visualization of Ferromagnetic Metallic Edge State in Manganite Strips, Nature Comm. 6, 6179 (2015).

9. L.F. Yin, D. Xiao, Z. Gai, T.Z. Ward, N.Widjaja, E.W. Plummer, G.M. Stocks, Z.H. Cheng, Z.Y. Zhang, J. Shen*, Tuning the ferromagnetic coupling of Fe nanodots on Cu(111) via dimensionality variation of the mediating electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 167202 (2010). 

10. L.F. Yin, D. H. Wei, N. Lei, L.H. Zhou, C.S. Tian, G.S. Dong, X.F. Jin*, L.P. Guo, Q.J. Jia and R.Q. Wu, Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Permalloy Revisited, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 067203 (2006).
