盛卫东 教授 1997年 中国科学院半导体所博士 电话: +86-21-65643452 Email: shengw @ fudan.edu.cn 主要经历: 1997—1999 瑞典LUND大学访问学者 1999—2002 美国UIUC大学博士后 2002—2006 加拿大NRC副研究员 教学与研究领域: 教授课程:大学物理,经典力学,高等统计力学 研究领域:低维凝聚态物理,主要方向为小量子体系的电子结构,光学性质,及磁学特性等。 研究论文: 以第一或通讯作者发表论文 60 余篇,被引用超过1000次,h-index = 18。 | | Weidong Sheng Professor Ph.D. (1997), Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Interests: Physics of low-dimensional systems: electronic structure, optical properties, and magnetism. Publication list: Link h-index: 18 Recent Publications: 1. Substrate effects on quasiparticles and excitons in graphene nanoflakes, W. Sheng, M. Sun, A. Zhou, and S.J. Xu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 143109 (2013). 2. Electric Field Driven Magnetic Phase Transition in Graphene Nanoflakes, A. Zhou, W. Sheng*, and S.J. Xu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 133103 (2013). 3. Violation of Hund’s rule and quenching of long-range electron-electron interactions in graphene nanoflakes, W. Sheng, M. Sun, and A. Zhou, Phys. Rev. B 88, 085432 (2013). 4. Van Hove singularities in graphene nanoflakes, A. Zhou and W. Sheng*, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 094313 (2012). 5. A spin-valve device based on dumbbell-shaped graphene nanoislands, Z. Ma and W. Sheng*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 083101 (2011). 6. Anisotropic hole spins in single and coupled self-assembled quantum dots, W. Sheng and J. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 82, 073308 (2010). |