阮威 青年研究员 清华大学博士 电话: E-mail:weiruan@fudan.edu.cn, weiruan.physics@gmail.com 个人网站/Website:链接/Link 主要经历:(Experiences) 2017清华大学博士 2017-2020美国加州大学伯克利分校/劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后 2021-至今复旦大学物理学系青年研究员 教学与研究领域: Wei Ruan Associate Professor Ph.D.(2017), Tsinghua University, China Research Interests: Selected Publications: 2) W. Ruan et al., Visualization of the periodic modulation of Cooper pairing in a cuprate superconductor, Nature Physics 14, 1178-1182 (2018). 3) C. Liu#, Y. Zang#, W. Ruan#, Y. Gong, K. He, X. Ma, Q.-K. Xue, and Y. Wang, Dimensional Crossover-Induced Topological Hall Effect in a Magnetic Topological Insulator, Physical Review Letters 119, 176809 (2017). 4) P. Cai, W. Ruan, Y. Peng, C. Ye, X. Li, Z. Hao, Z. Zhou, D.-H. Lee, and Y. Wang, Visualizing the evolution from the Mott insulator to a charge-ordered insulator in lightly doped cuprates, Nature Physics 12, 1047-1051 (2016). 5) W. Ruan et al., Emergence of a Coherent In-Gap State in the SmB6 Kondo Insulator Revealed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters 112, 136401 (2014).
Experimental condensed matter physics. Scanned-probe study of complex quantum materials including high-temperature superconductors, correlated and topological low-dimensional systems, quantum spin liquids, etc.
1) Y. Chen#, W. Ruan#, M. Wu#, S. Tang#, …, M. F. Crommie, Strong correlations and orbital texture in single-layer 1T-TaSe2, Nature Physics 16, 218-225 (2020).