古杰 青年研究员 纽约市立大学博士(2019) 电话: Email: gujielog@fudan.edu.cn 主要经历: 2011.9-2014.7复旦大学物理系研究助理 2014.9-2019.9纽约市立大学物理系博士 2019.11-2022.10康奈尔大学应用物理系博士后 2022.11-至今 复旦大学物理系 教学与研究领域: Jie Gu Associate Professor PhD, City University of New York (2019) Research Interests: Selected Publications: 2) Jie Gu, Liguo Ma, Song Liu, …, James C. Hone, Jie Shan, Kin Fai Mak. Dipolar excitonic insulator in a moiré lattice. Nature Phys. 18, 395–400 (2022). 3) Yanhao Tang, Jie Gu, …, James Hone, Kin Fai Mak, Jie Shan. Tuning layer-hybridized moiré excitons by the quantum-confined Stark effect. Nature Nanotech. 16, 52-57 (2021). 4) Jie Gu, Lutz Waldecker, …, Vinod M. Menon. Enhanced nonlinear interaction of polaritons via excited exciton states in monolayer WSe2. Nature Comm. 12, 2269 (2021). 5) Jie Gu*, Biswanath Chakraborty*, …, Vinod M. Menon. A room temperature polariton light-emitting diode based on monolayer WS2. Nature Nanotech. 14, 1024–1028(2019). 6) Zheng Sun, Jie Gu, … S. K-Cohen, and Vinod Menon. Optical control of room temperature valley polaritons. Nature Photon. 11, 491-496 (2017).
Experimental study of low dimensional quantum materials, including 2D moiré, 2D exciton polaritons, etc.
1) Yanhao Tang*, Jie Gu*, Song Liu, …, Kin Fai Mak, Jie Shan. Dielectric catastrophe at the Wigner-Mott transition in a moiré superlattice. Nature Comm. 13, 4271 (2022).